Immensely inspired...
The mystery presented...
the veil of simplicity
to shield pure greatness and class
the superiority possessed
under a gentle and warm
cover of humility
that accepts all
quiet but steady adherence
to worthy principles
the easygoing style of greatness...
protection and concern
concealed by an air of comfortable detachment
betrayed only by eyes that cant lie...
Can I walk the path.. ?
It seems impossible...
but can you challenge reality ?
The mystery presented...
the veil of simplicity
to shield pure greatness and class
the superiority possessed
under a gentle and warm
cover of humility
that accepts all
quiet but steady adherence
to worthy principles
the easygoing style of greatness...
protection and concern
concealed by an air of comfortable detachment
betrayed only by eyes that cant lie...
Can I walk the path.. ?
It seems impossible...
but can you challenge reality ?
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